BHE Renewables owns the 10-megawatt Wailuku hydroelectric generation project, which is
located at the junction of the Wailuku River and the Kalohewahewa Stream on the eastern coast of the island of Hawaii.
The Wailuku project is a run-of-river project that operates without dams or other obstructions to the natural flow of
the river. The project consists of three diversion structures, which are approximately 2,000 feet above sea level.
A pipeline feeds water from the Kalohewahewa Stream intakes to the Wailuku River diversion from which a 60-inch pipeline,
14,760 feet in length, feeds water to the powerhouse. The powerhouse includes two horizontal shaft Pelton 5-megawatt
turbines. Power generated at the project is transmitted over a 5,100 foot long transmission line and
interconnected to Hawaii Electric Light Company’s electric system.
The as-available electricity produced by the Wailuku independent power project is purchased by Hawaii Electric Light
Company, Inc. under a long-term power purchase agreement.